
With Just One Blink: Capturing a Floating Memory

Back in February, I had the incredible opportunity to exhibit some photos from my travels over the past few years. When my wonderful boss at Sarratt Art Studios told me of the opportunity in January, I, of course, accepted immediately. Together we narrowed down the selection of prints, made arrangements for set-up, and invited all our friends, via word-of-mouth and a Facebook event, to a reception on February 27th. It was a huge deal of work to put it all together, but I could not have been happier with the result. The entire process allowed me to reflect on my travels over the past three years, the direction I'd like to take my photography in, and more than anything it reconnected me to so many people that have impacted my Vanderbilt experience. This last one was much needed, as I struggled to adjust to university life returning from my semester studying abroad in the Dominican Republic.

I made a little collage to show a few of the prints that were included in the exhibit. I'm so grateful to all of the friends, co-workers, faculty, and staff who came out to support my first photo exhibit. This is just the beginning, and it was awesome to share some of my adventures with you all. Embrace Beauty. Travel the World. Understand Others. Understand Self.