

Summer weather in Santo Domingo can be a little unpredictable. Recently it seems as if there is a 50% chance of rain everyday. This Saturday, I checked the weather report in the morning..."30% chance of rain, and scattered thunderstorms." Earlier in the week, a small group of us had planned to go to the beach for a day. After a few minutes of deliberation, we decided our odds were good enough to make the trip despite the frequent showers we've been getting.

The beach at Los Guayacanes was absolutely gorgeous. It's located about 40 minutes outside of Santo Domingo, right next to Juan Dolio. The water is turquoise in color, and oh so clear. Near the area where we were swimming there were real coral formations and hundreds of small live sea urchins. I tried so hard not to step on any of these spiky critters while I was out there. My friend Brigette and I borrowed some snorkeling gear from our friends and went out exploring the shallow waters. Oh my gosh, there were so many, and it was quite a sight to see them up close. Brigette led me to a large coral strip and told me to look under it for a sea urchin. No exaggeration, this creature was the size of a basketball. I took one peak and immediately lifted my head from the water so that I could properly freak out and not drown. I'd never seen one that size before.

After some more exploring under the sea, we came out of the water to enjoy a delicious meal of tostones, avocado, fried snapper, octopus, crab, sweet potato fries, and Dominican rice & beans; an unbelievably filling meal after all of our swimming. Later we would try some fresh coconuts, brought by our young friend, Domingo. It was my first time drinking the water directly out of the coconut, no straw, no cup. Things got a little messy, but it was so great. I don't think I can drink it the way I used to anymore!

1/2. My new friend, Domingo, climbs up 20 ft. to score some coconuts for us to eat
3. Pulpo pours out some coconut water
4/5. Brigette & Domingo are all smiles with fresh coconut in tow
6. My coworker Tanya relaxes in a hammock while enjoying the scenery

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