
My New Vocabulary

I've acquired a new lingo in the last few months. Despite working in a bilingual professional environment, I've managed to pick up a whole slew of distinctly Dominican street terms and expressions. Let's call them "Dominicanismos" or "Dominicanisms." You'll be hard pressed to find many of these words/phrases used outside of the country or, in some cases even, outside of Santo Domingo. I've enjoyed joking with coworkers and throwing around the local jargon.
Here's my dictionary so far:

Táto- Okay                                                                    Largatijo- lizard
Caliente/Guapo- Angry                                               Freco- Fresh guy
Nítido- Alright                                                               Tonto- Dumb
Setiao- All set                                                               Vaina- Any "thing"
De lo mío/mi gente- My people/my crew                    Bonche- A party
Biberon- Baby bottle or uncomfortable situation         
Bobo- Problem/uncomfortable situation
Tirar- To take a shot
Cache bonita- Something in good condition
Corta- Shut up
Corrita- Someone who likes jokes

When someone hisses at you on the street to get your attention:
Qué pasó? Se pinchó la goma?/ What happened? Did you pierce your tire?

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